Saturday, January 16, 2010

What does Jesus expect from us ?

Well after figuring out that my past failures in my walk with Jesus is causing me to feel so agitated. I already know Im setting myself up for failure once again.  Well im 38 years old and its time I took my relationship with Jesus serious.  Here is my problem - I really don't know where to go now.  I want to be that guy that is bold for Jesus. I want to be that guy that isn't afraid to voice my support for Jesus.  Where do I start.  I know some people that are just super cool guys that love Jesus and they don't come across too strong and annoying. I also know guys that are completely aggravating and pushy when it comes to talking about Jesus.  I don't want to be like this.  Am I the only Christian that finds some other Christians too pushy and foward ? 

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