Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Church Doesn't Act So Christian Sometimes - Why ?

Now lets look at the Christian Church & I say the Christian Church because Im deliberately excluding any Church that believes that you are saved by any other means than that of the blood of Jesus.  Is this confusing?  If it is please keep reading in the days to come, because Im going to try my best to make it as simple as I possibly can.

Simplicity is what Jesus did when he put himself on that cross.  He made it simple for us to be saved and enter into the kingdom of Heaven

Now - Lets look at why some people in Christian Church acts out the way they do sometimes.  There is always two sides to every story.  So lets listen to both sides.  Some people in the Church fear whats on the outside.  They don't want to let the Devil in.  They don't want worldly views or worldly people for that matter to dirty their - religion so to speak.

WOW - Now what would happen if we let these two characters in the Church?  

So here is what they fear.  People they see as evil coming in and destroying Gods Church.  They want to protect Gods house from being torn apart and broken down by people that have this attitude.

I wonder why some people have this attitude about Jesus?  The very same Jesus that gave his life on the cross for their sins.  The very Jesus that wants to spend eternity loving them.  

Im willing to bet - They don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Im willing to bet they don't care to know him.  Im also willing to bet that Jesus would give his life again and again for them to come to know him.  

Here is the thing that most people in the Church don't seem to understand.  They don't seem to understand that it is our job as Gods children to bring the truth about Jesus's love to them.  It is us that need to bring the cross to them.  It is us that needs to love them even if they don't love us.  God has commanded us to do just that over and over again.  We can't save anyone only Jesus can do that, but we can bring the love of Jesus to them.

Lets looks at another one.

As a whole the Church is trying to protect what is left of the Church.  They think that the Church is weak and dying.  To think this is - to think that God is weak and dying !  I for one do not think that God is weak or dying.  I think our faith in him is weak - So weak in fact that we are afraid of letting others know the truth about Gods word.

What a shame to let so many go to Hell just because we want to protect the only one that does not need protection !  GOD !   I think he can handle the hearts we just need to let them know who he is.

God is and always will be the Almighty one.  The one and only - The beginning and the end.  

What is a Christian?  A Christian is a sinner that is saved only by Gods grace.  By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are then covered by the blood of Jesus - from way back when he was hung on that cross at Calvary.  We still sin & this will not end until we no longer wear the earthly flesh we have now.  The good thing is we are covered be his blood and we should try daily to be more like him.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Terry for this post. I totally agree. The sinners is who Jesus came for. It is our duty to go tell the ones who are living in darkness the way to the light.

    I had a pastor once who would tell people if they were allowed or not allowed to come to Church as he believed their heart was not prepared yet etc. I found this very upsetting because he is not God and how can you reject the person that has chosen to come to the very place he thinks he may receive love. My heart bled that day as I thought it was very wrong as how can we assume one's heart and not totally trust God to shape this person. It takes time to grow to be pruned and to blosom. These people need to start somewhere, just like I did or you. We were all in great need of a Church where we could turn to. Evil has no power over God so how can we be afraid. Look foward to your next post!
