Just last night Jesus asked me if I would do something for him !!
Well this is something new for me. If you are reading this you may just laugh at this or you may know exactly what Im talking about.
- Ill start by telling you a little about myself.
- Im 38 years old
- I live in South Carolina
- Ive been in church all my life.
- Ive always been a little different than most others because Ive tried to steer clear of being a follower. Ill get into this a little more later.
- Im married and have two children.
- We as a family have always seemed just a little on the outside of being comfortable. Don't get me wrong we have always had enough and then some - Its just not knowing what tomorrow holds is scary.
- Ive had a great job for the past 13 years
- In 1999 I felt in my heart that Jesus was calling me to do something for him.
- I told my family that I felt I wouldn't have this job forever. That I felt Jesus had something else for me, but I had no Idea what it was.
- So for the past 10 years Ive worked and waited for that time to come.
This past August I decided to try and start a internet business, A company named Apply Knowledge Institute contacted me and offered me a hands on, coach led program to build a lucrative internet sales business. I felt as though this was something I should do. I always try and listen to my heart so I dived in. Ill keep posting how things are going as we all know time will tell.
Anyway back to my story. In Sept 2009 they closed the plant I was working in. So I started questioning if I should have invested in this business or not, well I decided that Jesus wouldn't let me do this if it wasn't meant to be. So Ive kept plugging along. All along the way things have just sort of worked out. Here is the problem - for the past 3 months when I should have really been in prayer and trying to get a better relationship with Jesus Ive just been floating along kind of half way praying, half way reading the bible & only half way going to church and one quarter way getting involved. This has been a problem all along the way. Because Ive been Luke Warm for JESUS.
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