Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Jesus - What do I need to do for Jesus?
I apologize for being away for a while. Things have been very busy lately. Ive been learning a lot lately. Sometimes the things that Jesus wants us to do for him is right under our noses. Man how hard can we make something so simple. I prayed that Jesus would open doors so I could start doing for him. After all Jesus has done for me all my life. If you question this in your own life - Just think back at all the things that happened to you & how so many things have worked out even though it could have gone the wrong way. Look at having children. How is it possible to have a child without GOD being involved. Look around you at the living world around you. How can all this be ?? Some say there was a big bang and then everything just started evolving. Well this just doesn't hold water. If you look at science - just look it up on Google and see all the studies that support that the world is only 5000 - 6000 old. If it were 10 million years old there would be so many people we couldn't walk. Anyway thats a story for another day. Back to doing for Jesus. Some people see doing for Jesus has to be done in the church. Well I say if you have children - start there. Talk to your children, talk to them about the hard stuff. Talk to them about drinking, drugs and talk to them about sex ! You will be surprised at what you may uncover once you have a trusting relationship with them. I finally found that when I started the talks with my sons and I brought up the hard questions (not them) they started to open up. Man how Jesus put me to work just with my own two sons. They will openly talk to me now. After school everyday we talk about the things other people have said or done and we talk about how it makes them feel. Even as Christians we feel the pressures of life and even desire to do wrong, but Jesus wants us to have strength through him. If we start to stand up and not do all the things the world expects of us them we will in turn show others to have the same strengths through Jesus. If you read this and are not saved - Please follow my post.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
What to do when Temptation knocks on your door
Well I have always fallen to temptation. It seems like every time temptation comes my way I just stumble and fall right into it. It seems like I just can't help myself. Do you ever feel this way? You make a commitment to Christ and you try so hard to do all the right things and then something you have a weakness for comes along and you just can't stop yourself. Well that is my fear because Ive always fallen to the temptations of the world. It gets worse when I get mad or stressed. Seems like things that trigger my anger breaks me down somehow and I start to fall away from Christ and start looking for something that will make me feel better. I guess I just don't think that Jesus is going to make me feel better. Or better yet I just don't give him the chance. Well Im going to give him the chance now - and I encourage anyone who may read these rambling post of mine to try and do the same. Let me know what you think about this good or bad. I can take the criticism.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Prayer Time - When is it best to pray?
This morning when I woke up I prayed in the bed before I got up. While I was praying I felt as though I wasn't giving Jesus the respect he deserved. The reason I felt this way was because I was laying in the bed, not on my knees really giving myself and time to him. Some people would say that Im too hard on myself and that this is just being to picky about something this trivial. Well I have to say that to me we are not trivial to Jesus. We live in a world that basically hated Jesus. People think that money and position as well as power is everything. Well the bible says that the meek will inherit the kingdom of God. I feel like this. Jesus was born among men and he got beaten and mocked and spit on and hurt in so many ways. At any time he could have stopped it and saved himself, but he suffered and died anyway. He even done this in a way that basically cut the chosen people out of the picture and put the gentiles in the picture in a big way. If it weren't for this act then we the gentiles wouldn't have come to know Jesus in the way that we did. I try to pray first thing in the morning and anytime I can during the day. Really I think we should be of one accord with Jesus which would mean that we should be in a sort of prayer all the time. What do you think ?
What does Jesus expect from us ?
Well after figuring out that my past failures in my walk with Jesus is causing me to feel so agitated. I already know Im setting myself up for failure once again. Well im 38 years old and its time I took my relationship with Jesus serious. Here is my problem - I really don't know where to go now. I want to be that guy that is bold for Jesus. I want to be that guy that isn't afraid to voice my support for Jesus. Where do I start. I know some people that are just super cool guys that love Jesus and they don't come across too strong and annoying. I also know guys that are completely aggravating and pushy when it comes to talking about Jesus. I don't want to be like this. Am I the only Christian that finds some other Christians too pushy and foward ?
Failing Jesus Feeling the pressure
Well yesterday I noticed that I have been in a pretty agitated mood lately. Especially since I have made the decision to give myself to Jesus. My wife Stefanie and I were washing the car yesterday and I decided to talk to her about it. She confirmed that I had indeed been acting agitated lately. This really bothers me because you aren't supposed to feel this way when you dedicate your life to Jesus. Well after talking about it, we together found that because I have done this before (dedicating my life to Jesus) and every time I have failed in one way or another and just end up back in the same place. Have you ever felt this way ??
Jesus helps me along the way
Well The last cpl days has been pretty good. Ive spent more time in prayer and Im trying to follow a regimen reading the bible. I found a tract from a local Christian radio station at church Wednesday night and it had a simple bible reading outline. We are helping some teaching the youth and I am so amazed at some of the kids in our class. God is at work and I think big things are going to happen here. Ive been active in church before and I usually get my heart involved and this is where I mess up because people always let you down and disappoint you. So Im going into this involvement carefully this time. We just have to remember that Jesus is the only one we can usually trust.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Living Luke Warm for Jesus
Just last night Jesus asked me if I would do something for him !!
Well this is something new for me. If you are reading this you may just laugh at this or you may know exactly what Im talking about.
- Ill start by telling you a little about myself.
- Im 38 years old
- I live in South Carolina
- Ive been in church all my life.
- Ive always been a little different than most others because Ive tried to steer clear of being a follower. Ill get into this a little more later.
- Im married and have two children.
- We as a family have always seemed just a little on the outside of being comfortable. Don't get me wrong we have always had enough and then some - Its just not knowing what tomorrow holds is scary.
- Ive had a great job for the past 13 years
- In 1999 I felt in my heart that Jesus was calling me to do something for him.
- I told my family that I felt I wouldn't have this job forever. That I felt Jesus had something else for me, but I had no Idea what it was.
- So for the past 10 years Ive worked and waited for that time to come.
This past August I decided to try and start a internet business, A company named Apply Knowledge Institute contacted me and offered me a hands on, coach led program to build a lucrative internet sales business. I felt as though this was something I should do. I always try and listen to my heart so I dived in. Ill keep posting how things are going as we all know time will tell.
Anyway back to my story. In Sept 2009 they closed the plant I was working in. So I started questioning if I should have invested in this business or not, well I decided that Jesus wouldn't let me do this if it wasn't meant to be. So Ive kept plugging along. All along the way things have just sort of worked out. Here is the problem - for the past 3 months when I should have really been in prayer and trying to get a better relationship with Jesus Ive just been floating along kind of half way praying, half way reading the bible & only half way going to church and one quarter way getting involved. This has been a problem all along the way. Because Ive been Luke Warm for JESUS.
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