Please take a few minutes to watch this video and let me know what you think.
I really don't know what to think. I see the pain this is causing him. I also see the youth pastors side of this. It does cause a conflict of emotions and feeling inside me, when someone like him really seems to have a true love for Gods work and wants to be in the ministry field. I feel maybe the youth pastor should maybe take the time to teach what the Bible says about this before he goes about punishing people. What do you think ?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Christian or Heathen ? Right or Wrong ? Why ?
I hear the same thing over and over again. Im not going to Church because its full of people that think they are better than anyone else, because its full of heathens. WOW - I guess you can't got to work, school, the grocery store or Wally World either then. The world is full of all kinds of people. I see people everyday who indeed think they are better than others, but I don't know if they are Christians or not.
I think Ill start walking up to the people that think they are better than others and ask them if they are Christians - because a lot of people seem to think that all Christians think they are better than everybody else. This would be really stupid on my part wouldn't it? But for some reason people that do not want to attend church want you to think its because of the nasty people that the church is full of. And at the same time some people in the church are hell bent and bound to preach (the very people they need to be showing love to) straight to hell. I wonder why this is?
Well I think I know ! You see the Bible says that God is not a God of confusion.
1 Corinthians 14:33 God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace. As in all the churches of God's holy people.
This sounds like a lot of confusion to me! I mean there is a serious break down of communication. This sounds like the job of none other than Satan himself. You see if the lines of communication are brought down between the Church and the world then what good is the church? If the people in the church just sit and do nothing to communicate with the world then what good are these people to God?
During war times what is the first thing the opposing sides do ? They try to bring down each others communication centers. If the commanding officers can't communicate with the front line then there is confusion. This confusion makes it much easier for defeat. So how much of a communication barrier can be put between the Church and the world? Well thats really up to all of us. You see the communication between God and his children can't be broken, but how well his children listen to him can be reduced to a minimum if we let it. Are we gonna let this confusion in our hearts? Are we gonna let the world die and go to Hell? Are gonna sit and do nothing?
So I ask myself today - What good am I to God ? I would have to say - not much good. How about you are you sitting tight holding onto your own or are you sharing Gods love with everyone else. Sometimes your fear of those around you that are different than you can be perceived as a - better than everyone else attitude. At the same time if you are sitting on the outside of the church and want to come in - why not just come in and see what happens. If the church is a good Bible believing church I think God will make sure you are ok.
Does this mean that a lifestyle that is spoken against in the bible will be deemed ok by the church? Of course not, because the Church has been charged with a responsibility to keep the commandments and and laws made by God. If the Church lets sin flourish inside the church then the Church will be ineffective for God.
We all have to come the the understanding that we are sinners. None of us are special in this. A sin is a sin is a sin. If you are living in a life of sin and want to pretend that its not sinful then you are fooling yourself and others. If you realize that you are a sinner and want to be forgiven those sins and be saved by the grace of God then you are on the right track to saving others.
But lets not make this any harder than it is - some people are under the false assumption that if you get saved you have to live a perfect life from that point on. Well this isn't true. You are still gonna sin, but you will be covered by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) and those sins are forgiven by Gods grace. Yes it is wrong to sin and yes you should try and turn away from your sin, but its inevitable that sin will creep into your life at some time. Not to worry because Jesus took care of this on the cross.
If we concentrate on what we should be doing for Jesus and not on the sin in our lives so much, we might just be productive loving Christians. That is why Jesus died on the cross - to save us from our own destructive sinfulness. He made it so we didn't have to worry about it. All we have to do is focus on him.
I think Ill start walking up to the people that think they are better than others and ask them if they are Christians - because a lot of people seem to think that all Christians think they are better than everybody else. This would be really stupid on my part wouldn't it? But for some reason people that do not want to attend church want you to think its because of the nasty people that the church is full of. And at the same time some people in the church are hell bent and bound to preach (the very people they need to be showing love to) straight to hell. I wonder why this is?
Well I think I know ! You see the Bible says that God is not a God of confusion.
1 Corinthians 14:33 God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace. As in all the churches of God's holy people.
This sounds like a lot of confusion to me! I mean there is a serious break down of communication. This sounds like the job of none other than Satan himself. You see if the lines of communication are brought down between the Church and the world then what good is the church? If the people in the church just sit and do nothing to communicate with the world then what good are these people to God?
During war times what is the first thing the opposing sides do ? They try to bring down each others communication centers. If the commanding officers can't communicate with the front line then there is confusion. This confusion makes it much easier for defeat. So how much of a communication barrier can be put between the Church and the world? Well thats really up to all of us. You see the communication between God and his children can't be broken, but how well his children listen to him can be reduced to a minimum if we let it. Are we gonna let this confusion in our hearts? Are we gonna let the world die and go to Hell? Are gonna sit and do nothing?
So I ask myself today - What good am I to God ? I would have to say - not much good. How about you are you sitting tight holding onto your own or are you sharing Gods love with everyone else. Sometimes your fear of those around you that are different than you can be perceived as a - better than everyone else attitude. At the same time if you are sitting on the outside of the church and want to come in - why not just come in and see what happens. If the church is a good Bible believing church I think God will make sure you are ok.
Does this mean that a lifestyle that is spoken against in the bible will be deemed ok by the church? Of course not, because the Church has been charged with a responsibility to keep the commandments and and laws made by God. If the Church lets sin flourish inside the church then the Church will be ineffective for God.
We all have to come the the understanding that we are sinners. None of us are special in this. A sin is a sin is a sin. If you are living in a life of sin and want to pretend that its not sinful then you are fooling yourself and others. If you realize that you are a sinner and want to be forgiven those sins and be saved by the grace of God then you are on the right track to saving others.
But lets not make this any harder than it is - some people are under the false assumption that if you get saved you have to live a perfect life from that point on. Well this isn't true. You are still gonna sin, but you will be covered by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) and those sins are forgiven by Gods grace. Yes it is wrong to sin and yes you should try and turn away from your sin, but its inevitable that sin will creep into your life at some time. Not to worry because Jesus took care of this on the cross.
If we concentrate on what we should be doing for Jesus and not on the sin in our lives so much, we might just be productive loving Christians. That is why Jesus died on the cross - to save us from our own destructive sinfulness. He made it so we didn't have to worry about it. All we have to do is focus on him.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Church Doesn't Act So Christian Sometimes - Why ?
Now lets look at the Christian Church & I say the Christian Church because Im deliberately excluding any Church that believes that you are saved by any other means than that of the blood of Jesus. Is this confusing? If it is please keep reading in the days to come, because Im going to try my best to make it as simple as I possibly can.
Simplicity is what Jesus did when he put himself on that cross. He made it simple for us to be saved and enter into thekingdom of Heaven .
Now - Lets look at why some people in Christian Church acts out the way they do sometimes. There is always two sides to every story. So lets listen to both sides. Some people in the Church fear whats on the outside. They don't want to let the Devil in. They don't want worldly views or worldly people for that matter to dirty their - religion so to speak.
WOW - Now what would happen if we let these two characters in the Church?
So here is what they fear. People they see as evil coming in and destroying Gods Church. They want to protect Gods house from being torn apart and broken down by people that have this attitude.
I wonder why some people have this attitude about Jesus? The very same Jesus that gave his life on the cross for their sins. The very Jesus that wants to spend eternity loving them.
Im willing to bet - They don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Im willing to bet they don't care to know him. Im also willing to bet that Jesus would give his life again and again for them to come to know him.
Here is the thing that most people in the Church don't seem to understand. They don't seem to understand that it is our job as Gods children to bring the truth about Jesus's love to them. It is us that need to bring the cross to them. It is us that needs to love them even if they don't love us. God has commanded us to do just that over and over again. We can't save anyone only Jesus can do that, but we can bring the love of Jesus to them.
Lets looks at another one.
As a whole the Church is trying to protect what is left of the Church. They think that the Church is weak and dying. To think this is - to think that God is weak and dying ! I for one do not think that God is weak or dying. I think our faith in him is weak - So weak in fact that we are afraid of letting others know the truth about Gods word.
What a shame to let so many go to Hell just because we want to protect the only one that does not need protection ! GOD ! I think he can handle the hearts we just need to let them know who he is.
God is and always will be the Almighty one. The one and only - The beginning and the end.
What is a Christian? A Christian is a sinner that is saved only by Gods grace. By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are then covered by the blood of Jesus - from way back when he was hung on that cross atCalvary . We still sin & this will not end until we no longer wear the earthly flesh we have now. The good thing is we are covered be his blood and we should try daily to be more like him.
Simplicity is what Jesus did when he put himself on that cross. He made it simple for us to be saved and enter into the
Now - Lets look at why some people in Christian Church acts out the way they do sometimes. There is always two sides to every story. So lets listen to both sides. Some people in the Church fear whats on the outside. They don't want to let the Devil in. They don't want worldly views or worldly people for that matter to dirty their - religion so to speak.
As a whole the Church is trying to protect what is left of the Church. They think that the Church is weak and dying. To think this is - to think that God is weak and dying ! I for one do not think that God is weak or dying. I think our faith in him is weak - So weak in fact that we are afraid of letting others know the truth about Gods word.
What a shame to let so many go to Hell just because we want to protect the only one that does not need protection ! GOD ! I think he can handle the hearts we just need to let them know who he is.
God is and always will be the Almighty one. The one and only - The beginning and the end.
What is a Christian? A Christian is a sinner that is saved only by Gods grace. By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are then covered by the blood of Jesus - from way back when he was hung on that cross at
Friday, March 26, 2010
Is God Being Persecuted By The Sins Of The Christian Church ?
Is God being persecuted by the sins of the Christian Church? Lets look at this question from the way Jesus may look at it. Jesus walked the earth for some 33 years loving and changing peoples lives. He healed the sick, he loved the unloved & he gave his life for all us - so we could be with him. Jesus took the beating none of us would ever want to take. Jesus suffered in humiliation and pain just because he loves us. Jesus died and was buried only to rise victorious! He fix the one thing that could not be fixed (Sin). He took our sins onto himself and carried them on the cross and spilled his blood for our atonement. Who has ever done so much for someone else?
He did so much for us - that some have a hard time believing it. What a sad sad thing :(
How does the world look at the Church from the outside? Well lets see -
A few years ago the world witnessed one of the most horrific sights the church has been involved in. It happened during the TV coverage of the funeral of Matthew Shepherd. A group of professing Christians had traveled to Montana just to hold signs outside the funeral protesting the gay lifestyle. They taunted the victim’s parents as they came out of the memorial service. They yelled at the parents that their son is now in Hell. They held up signs that said “God hates fags.” Not only were they not representing the spirit of Christ, they were putting words in God’s mouth, a dangerous practice, to say the least.
Now I know not all people in the Christian Church act like this. I know they are not all this extreme, but lets ask ourselves - How do we act when a person that has lived in a different lifestyle or has a bad background or even a person of a different color walks into the doors of our churches? Are we loving towards them for real or do we act like we love them? Now don't get me wrong I know some of you are totally loving and welcoming to all :) But what about the majority ?
What damage does this type of thing do to the Christian Church? Better Yet Lets Ask - What Damage Does This Do To GOD ?? The people that are most effected by this types of hatred, think that the Church as a whole all think the same. Many even think that since the Church acts this way then God must feel this way too.
What does the bible say about hate ?
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
(Matthew 5:43-47)
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
--1 John 4:20
Next we will talk about the other side of this and see where we all should stand. Should we stand apart or Hand in Hand ?
He did so much for us - that some have a hard time believing it. What a sad sad thing :(
How does the world look at the Church from the outside? Well lets see -
A few years ago the world witnessed one of the most horrific sights the church has been involved in. It happened during the TV coverage of the funeral of Matthew Shepherd. A group of professing Christians had traveled to Montana just to hold signs outside the funeral protesting the gay lifestyle. They taunted the victim’s parents as they came out of the memorial service. They yelled at the parents that their son is now in Hell. They held up signs that said “God hates fags.” Not only were they not representing the spirit of Christ, they were putting words in God’s mouth, a dangerous practice, to say the least.
Now I know not all people in the Christian Church act like this. I know they are not all this extreme, but lets ask ourselves - How do we act when a person that has lived in a different lifestyle or has a bad background or even a person of a different color walks into the doors of our churches? Are we loving towards them for real or do we act like we love them? Now don't get me wrong I know some of you are totally loving and welcoming to all :) But what about the majority ?
What damage does this type of thing do to the Christian Church? Better Yet Lets Ask - What Damage Does This Do To GOD ?? The people that are most effected by this types of hatred, think that the Church as a whole all think the same. Many even think that since the Church acts this way then God must feel this way too.
What does the bible say about hate ?
Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
(Matthew 5:43-47)
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
--1 John 4:20
Next we will talk about the other side of this and see where we all should stand. Should we stand apart or Hand in Hand ?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
God Really Loves Us All - My View of Gods Love
OK today Im going to skip the Genesis study - just for today :) I think its very important to study the bible so you will know for yourself first hand - THE TRUTH. I say just for today, but if it ends up being a lot then it may be for a couple of days.
Last night I watched Lost & it was showing Richards past. He has accidentally killed a man and went to prison for it. He was in his cell reading the Bible when a priest walked in. Richard asked the Priest to pray for his forgiveness for him???? If he was really reading the Bible then he should know we don't need a priest or Mary to pray for our sins. Ok ok - so the priest tells him that he can do nothing to earn forgiveness for his sins & went on to tell him that the Devil was waiting in hell for him!! WOW - what at contradiction to the truth about Gods forgiveness! This just makes me angry because so many people actually believe these types of things when they hear them. This was national television telling a straight out LIE !
The truth is the God loves us so much that he took a part of himself and manifested into a man (JESUS) He grew up on this earth to teach us the truth. He then took all of our sins apon himself and died for us. You see by him giving his life and making the final most important blood sacrifice. He is able to forgive us for our sins (PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE) The rules changed when Christ died on the cross. You no longer have to make blood sacrifices for forgiveness.
You simply have to realize that you are a sinner. You have to repent of your sins. (Does this mean you can't sin again ? No!) We will always sin and fall short of Gods perfect glory, but we have to get off our high horse and admit that we are sinners. We have to accept him as our Lord & Savior and let him lead our lives. Does this mean we have to all be preachers & teachers? No. But it does mean we all need to trust in him and his promises. If we accept him he will love us unconditionally and have a place for us in Heaven.
I Don't care what kind of life you live. I don't care what you have done. You can be part of Gods family.
All Richard had to do was ask God to forgive him of his sins and ask god to come into his heart & put his trust in God and he would have been saved. What Richard did was listen to another man & believed that God would not forgive him.
Don't be a Richard - Don't take what others say as the truth just because they seem to be an authority figure. Read the Bible for your self and get the GOOD TRUTH. God loves us and we can be saved just by asking.
You can't work your way into Heaven - So if you are a Jehovah Witness or other organization that thinks you can work your way then you are listening to the wrong one. You need to Read the HOLY BIBLE - It is a complete work and if you read Revelation you will see that it is wrong to take away or add to this book.
Revelation 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
So don't listen to any church or organization that teaches or preaches from an added Bible. If your church doesn't specifically teach from the Holy Bible and only the Holy Bible then you are more than likely in a Occult.
Im not trying to say anything bad about anybody, but if you are being taught anything different than - You get saved by asking Jesus into your heart - then you are being taught wrong. Nobody can work there way into heaven - Its not about work, but it is about LOVE !! Love God first then one another :)
God made it simple for us to be Saved and go to Heaven. Its not hard - He did this so we could all be saved and we simply have to accept him.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Last night I watched Lost & it was showing Richards past. He has accidentally killed a man and went to prison for it. He was in his cell reading the Bible when a priest walked in. Richard asked the Priest to pray for his forgiveness for him???? If he was really reading the Bible then he should know we don't need a priest or Mary to pray for our sins. Ok ok - so the priest tells him that he can do nothing to earn forgiveness for his sins & went on to tell him that the Devil was waiting in hell for him!! WOW - what at contradiction to the truth about Gods forgiveness! This just makes me angry because so many people actually believe these types of things when they hear them. This was national television telling a straight out LIE !
The truth is the God loves us so much that he took a part of himself and manifested into a man (JESUS) He grew up on this earth to teach us the truth. He then took all of our sins apon himself and died for us. You see by him giving his life and making the final most important blood sacrifice. He is able to forgive us for our sins (PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE) The rules changed when Christ died on the cross. You no longer have to make blood sacrifices for forgiveness.
You simply have to realize that you are a sinner. You have to repent of your sins. (Does this mean you can't sin again ? No!) We will always sin and fall short of Gods perfect glory, but we have to get off our high horse and admit that we are sinners. We have to accept him as our Lord & Savior and let him lead our lives. Does this mean we have to all be preachers & teachers? No. But it does mean we all need to trust in him and his promises. If we accept him he will love us unconditionally and have a place for us in Heaven.
I Don't care what kind of life you live. I don't care what you have done. You can be part of Gods family.
All Richard had to do was ask God to forgive him of his sins and ask god to come into his heart & put his trust in God and he would have been saved. What Richard did was listen to another man & believed that God would not forgive him.
Don't be a Richard - Don't take what others say as the truth just because they seem to be an authority figure. Read the Bible for your self and get the GOOD TRUTH. God loves us and we can be saved just by asking.
You can't work your way into Heaven - So if you are a Jehovah Witness or other organization that thinks you can work your way then you are listening to the wrong one. You need to Read the HOLY BIBLE - It is a complete work and if you read Revelation you will see that it is wrong to take away or add to this book.
Revelation 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
So don't listen to any church or organization that teaches or preaches from an added Bible. If your church doesn't specifically teach from the Holy Bible and only the Holy Bible then you are more than likely in a Occult.
Im not trying to say anything bad about anybody, but if you are being taught anything different than - You get saved by asking Jesus into your heart - then you are being taught wrong. Nobody can work there way into heaven - Its not about work, but it is about LOVE !! Love God first then one another :)
God made it simple for us to be Saved and go to Heaven. Its not hard - He did this so we could all be saved and we simply have to accept him.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Monday, March 22, 2010
First we have to know that everybody came from Adam & Eve - And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth,” Acts 17:26. The gospel makes sense only on the basis that all humans alive and all that have ever lived are descendants of the first man Adam. Thus, there was only one man at the beginning—made from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7).
This also means that Cain’s wife had to be a descendant of Adam. She couldn’t have come from another race of people and must be a child born from Adam & Eve.
Genesis 3:20 Says “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” In other words, all people other than Adam are descendants of Eve Because she was the only woman.
Cain was the first child of Adam and Eve recorded in Scripture (Genesis 4:1). He and his brothers, Abel (Genesis 4:2) and Seth (Genesis 4:25), were part of the first generation of children ever born.
Even though the Bible specifically mentions these three brothers. Adam and Eve had other children.
Genesis 5:4 Says “After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters.”
The Bible does not tell us how many children were born to Adam and Eve, but considering their long life spans (Adam lived for 930 years—Genesis 5:5), it would seem logical to suggest they had many Children.
Remember, God commanded to (be fruitful, and multiply) (Genesis 1:28).
Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch.
From this context we gather that Cain had married a wife before he ever slew his brother.
Many people think that Cain wasn't Marries when he killed his brother, but this was not the case.
So in conclusion Cain was married before he went to the land of Nod.
He didn’t find a wife there but “knew” (had sexual relations with) his wife.
Now this makes sense because of what Nod means. Nod means “wandering” in Hebrew. So when Cain went to the land of Nod, he was literally going to the land of wandering, not a place full of people.
Ok so whats next ?
This also means that Cain’s wife had to be a descendant of Adam. She couldn’t have come from another race of people and must be a child born from Adam & Eve.
Genesis 3:20 Says “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” In other words, all people other than Adam are descendants of Eve Because she was the only woman.
Cain was the first child of Adam and Eve recorded in Scripture (Genesis 4:1). He and his brothers, Abel (Genesis 4:2) and Seth (Genesis 4:25), were part of the first generation of children ever born.
Even though the Bible specifically mentions these three brothers. Adam and Eve had other children.
Genesis 5:4 Says “After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters.”
The Bible does not tell us how many children were born to Adam and Eve, but considering their long life spans (Adam lived for 930 years—Genesis 5:5), it would seem logical to suggest they had many Children.
Remember, God commanded to (be fruitful, and multiply) (Genesis 1:28).
Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch.
From this context we gather that Cain had married a wife before he ever slew his brother.
Many people think that Cain wasn't Marries when he killed his brother, but this was not the case.
So in conclusion Cain was married before he went to the land of Nod.
He didn’t find a wife there but “knew” (had sexual relations with) his wife.
Now this makes sense because of what Nod means. Nod means “wandering” in Hebrew. So when Cain went to the land of Nod, he was literally going to the land of wandering, not a place full of people.
Ok so whats next ?
- What become of Cains Family?
- Why did God let all of this happen?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Gods Punishment For Cain Killing Able
After Cain Killed Able, The Lord came to Cain and asked him where his brother was. Able answered by saying - I don't know - Am I my brothers keeper? As I said before Cain was really having a attitude towards God.
Why do you think God came to Cain and asked him where Able was? We all know God already knew what happened. See God wants to give everyone every chance he can so he can forgive them. In Cains case he gave him many chances. Cain just dosen't have any respect for God at all!
Do you have respect for God?
After Cain lies to the Lord by telling him he doesn't know where Able is at, God lets him know that he knows what he done. God said in Genesis Chapter 4:10 - What have you done? Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. God now immediately gives Cain his punishment.
Now Cain is still not happy !! He tells the Lord that his punishment is too much!! Cain still has no regard for anyone except for himself. Cain goes on to tell God how if anyone finds him that they would kill him. I wonder if Cain had any love in his heart for anyone, but himself?
Now why would someone kill Cain? Most people wouldn't even know him from anyone else right? Well remember this was early on and Cain and Able were the first born of Adam and Eve and there wasn't many people on earth yet. More than likely Cain was afraid of his own family, because they would know that Cain was mad and upset at Able.
Even now God still has mercy on Cain and tells him that surly nobody would kill him. In fact God made a sign and put it upon Cain so if anyone sees him they would know not to bother him. If they did then God would punish them seven fold. I think God was yet still giving Cain another chance. Instead Cain went into the land of Nod which means Exile. He got married and started a family.
Wow there are a lot of questions around this part of Genesis.
Why do you think God came to Cain and asked him where Able was? We all know God already knew what happened. See God wants to give everyone every chance he can so he can forgive them. In Cains case he gave him many chances. Cain just dosen't have any respect for God at all!
Do you have respect for God?
After Cain lies to the Lord by telling him he doesn't know where Able is at, God lets him know that he knows what he done. God said in Genesis Chapter 4:10 - What have you done? Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. God now immediately gives Cain his punishment.
- He first drives him from the ground where his brother is laying dead.
- He tells Cain that the ground will no longer produce food for him.
- He tells him that he will be a restless wanderer of the earth.
Now Cain is still not happy !! He tells the Lord that his punishment is too much!! Cain still has no regard for anyone except for himself. Cain goes on to tell God how if anyone finds him that they would kill him. I wonder if Cain had any love in his heart for anyone, but himself?
Now why would someone kill Cain? Most people wouldn't even know him from anyone else right? Well remember this was early on and Cain and Able were the first born of Adam and Eve and there wasn't many people on earth yet. More than likely Cain was afraid of his own family, because they would know that Cain was mad and upset at Able.
Even now God still has mercy on Cain and tells him that surly nobody would kill him. In fact God made a sign and put it upon Cain so if anyone sees him they would know not to bother him. If they did then God would punish them seven fold. I think God was yet still giving Cain another chance. Instead Cain went into the land of Nod which means Exile. He got married and started a family.
Wow there are a lot of questions around this part of Genesis.
- Where did Cains wife come from?
- What become of Cains Family?
- Why did God let all of this happen?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Cain Kills Able - Cain Shows His True Colors!
Well after Cain shows his first signs of becoming rebellious towards God. God gives him another chance by telling him - if he would just do what is right then he would forgive him and everything would be good again. (This was when Cain brought God the fruits of the field instead of a blood sacrifice) Now Cain just gets more mad & more rebelious.
Have you ever felt this way? Your parents or boss makes you do something and you get mad and want to do something worse just to show them whose boss. Sometime your anger gets to you doesn't it? Here God warns Cain about this when he told him that sin was crouching at his door and it desires for you - But you must master it. What do you think this means?
You see God already knew what Cain was going to do if he didn't master his anger (sin). Did you know that anger is a sin? It is because of the distruction it causes. Here Cain instead of listening to God and getting control of his anger, lets his anger grow inside of him and ends up killing Able.
Now even after killing Able, Cain was still mad. He must have really been mad! Because most people that get mad and do something crazy usually feel remorse afterwards, but Cain didn't. How do we know this?
The Lord comes to Cain and asked him where his brother was. Cain answers him with another question. Am I my brothers Keeper? Well this was a mighty smart way to address God wasn't it?
This just amazes me that Cain had this much anger and hatred in him that he would kill his own brother and disrespect God at the same time. Talking about spitting in someones face!!
Next we will look at Gods punishment for Cain.
If you are reading this and you are a member of the Youth Group at Lake Swamp Baptist Church - I expect to hear some questions about these things tomorrow night. :)
Hey Guys thanks for taking time to read these posts. Feels free to comment or ask questions. I would love a chance to answer them.
Also take a minute to follow these post.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Cain And Able - Where Did The Blood Sacrifice Start?
Yesterday we talked about Cain and Able's Offering to God. Lets look at this a little closer because there is a lot questions around these offerings.
- How did Cain and Able know to give a blood offering to God?
- What does God do here and why? Adam and Eve made an attempt to cover their sin with fig leaves. This was not acceptable to God as a cover for their sin. So God shows them what he expected in order to be forgiven for their sin.
- God makes the first Blood sacrifice recorded in the Bible. He sacrificed a animal to make new skins for Adam and Eve to wear in order to cover their nakedness (their sin). From this act we know that not only does God tell us what he wants - He shows us what he wants. (Later on he shows us more specifically what he wants from us through his son Jesus)
Why didn't God accept Cain's offering? First God had commanded them to give blood sacrifice, we know this because he did this himself when he made Adam and Eves clothes to cover their sin & later own he makes it law for everyone to do this in order to be forgiven for their sins.(This of course was before Jesus Christ came and give himself as the blood sacrifice that will cover all of our sins)
Lets look at a real world example of debt & payment
God required a certain payment for sin. Now lets look at this in how even a sinful world expects certain things for payment of a debt. (After all sin is actually a dept that has to be paid to God) Imagine that you owe a huge amount of money to the bank, and you go to the bank and say, "I know that I owe you a lot of money. However, I am totally broke, and cannot pay my debt with money. (but I have another plan to pay you.) Here's my plan: Every day, I will come and vacuum the carpet at this bank . Thus I will work for you until I pay off my debt. " How would the bank respond to your proposition? Perhaps the bank would get angry, or perhaps they would laugh at you, however, what is certain is that they would not accept your offering! Why would the bank not accept your offering? Because there is no way you can pay your huge debt to the bank with some feeble "good works."
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Cain and Able - Brothers that go Different Directions With God
Because of Adam & Eve's sin every person since them has been born into sin. Starting with there very first two sons. Cain and Able.
Lets look at what happened with them a little closer. If you read Genesis 4:4-7 we see that Cain and Able both brought an offering to God. God took Able's offering and looked at Able with favor, but Cain he didn't look at with favor.
This is so powerful !! WHY? Because he simply expected Cain and Able to see themselves as sinners just like he wants us to do today.
To explain this further - In the old testament times you had to bring offerings to God. If you wanted forgiveness for sin it had to be a blood offering. See Able saw himself as a sinner and brought the correct type of offering to God (a blood offering). Cain on the other hand didn't see himself as a sinner so he brought God a offering that was not of blood.
The very first thing we need to do before we are saved by the blood of Jesus is to realize that we are sinners, and are not perfect beings & we fall short of God's glory.
In verse 7 God even explains to Cain that if he does what is right then he would look upon him in favor also. Cain just didn't see himself that way and was not willing to change. If fact he took it a step further and let his jealousy and anger turn into murder. WOW - what a way to go wrong!
Ask yourself today are you a Cain or Able? Don't let your own self righteousness keep you from knowing God. Just because you are a good person doesn't mean you are going to heaven. You must realize that you are a sinner because you were born into a world of sin. You have to realize that through Christ you can be saved, but you have to except him into your heart. In order to except him into your heart you have to confess you are a sinner and then except him. You see he already paid the blood sacrifice for you - all you have to do is believe and except him.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Gods Punishment for Sin - What Happened Next?
Now after God gives his punishments - he kicks them out of the Garden of Eden. The bible doesn't say anything about doing away with the garden of Eden it says he placed Cherubim and the Flaming Sword (which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life) See if Adam and Eve could get to the tree of life then they could once again live forever and God would not allow this because they were now sinners.
Now the Bible goes straight into Adam & Eve getting pregnant. Eve gave birth to Cain then gave birth to Able. Able was a keeper of flocks and Cain was a tiller of the ground. We are fixing to see the different heart that these two brothers have.
It says that Able brought a offering to God - the firstlings of his flock and their fat portions. Cain gave of the fruit of the ground. God had regard for Able's offering, but no regard for Cain's.
Now some people see this as God doing wrong - because both brothers gave their offering to him. So why did God have regard for Able and not Cain? Well God knows everyones heart and he knew Cains heart. Cain did not give from his heart and God knew this. Cain proves his selfishness and sinfulness in his reaction to God not having regard for him. Cain got angry at God even though he was the one that done wrong in the first place.
Tomorrow Ill talk more on Caine and Ables different personalities that leads to the 1st murder in the Bible and Gods forgiveness.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Gods Punishment for the first sin.
Why do you think Adam ate from the tree of knowledge if he knew it was wrong?
What was there punishment for breaking their one and only rule?
First of all this first question is really just my view on this. The Bible just isn't clear on why Adam took and eat the fruit. The Bible says that man was made in Gods image, so this would mean that Adam had a lot of the same qualities as God. One of those qualities is Love. Gods love for us is never ending so Im guessing that Adams love for Eve was a pure love. What would have happened if Eve had eat the fruit and Adam didn't? Well they would have been separated, Eve would ave grown old and died while Adam lived on. In a way I think Adam gave his own life for Eve. This also means that Adam chose Eve over God. Just something to think about.
First he punished the Serpent (Satan) he cursed him to to crawl on his belly and be forced to eat the dust of the earth for the rest of his life. Does this mean that snakes are a symbol for Satan ? Im not sure. But I know Im scared of them! :)
He also punished the woman by greatly multiplying her pain at childbirth at the same time she would still want to have more children. Why do women want to have children even they have to suffer so greatly during the time of childbirth? Well its because God made it that way.
Then to Adam - God cursed the ground. Adam and every other man that works the ground in order to eat will have to fight the weeds,thorns & thistles. Farming is very hard work because of these things. So to this day the curse goes on.
The last and maybe worst punishment - They were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. No more perfect place to live, but work and suffering would take its place.
Lets look at the world now - because of sin and greed we have became nations of suffering. This will not end until he comes back to defeat the serpent. And establishes his kingdom for those that believe upon him.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Genesis - A closer look at the first Book of the Bible.
Do you think Eve knew about the law that God had given them? (Not to eat from the tree of knowledge)
Well Lets look at this.
Genesis 2: 16-17 God told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He said if you eat from this tree you will surely die.
Now Eve hasn't been created at this time. In fact right after God told Adam this - he decided to create Eve. Genesis 2: 21-22 Gives details about Eve coming from one of Adams ribs.
Now - did Eve know about the law - not to eat of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil?
Well in Genesis 3: 1-3 The Serpent comes to Eve and out right ask her. Did God tell you that you can't eat from any particular tree in the garden? Then Eve goes on to tell him - yes in fact he did say we can't eat from the thee of Knowledge because we will die if we do. The he proceeds to tell her how she would not die, but in fact she would become like God and God doesn't want her to be like him.
I want to point out something here. When the Bible talks about the Serpent - It isn't talking about a serpent like a snake or some other animal. Adam and Eve had dominion over all the beast of the earth so they would have not have let something below them influence them like this. No this word Serpent was a word describing what kind of personality this being had. The Serpent was actually an Angel. This Angel Satan came to Eve and coned her into eating from this tree. Now of course it was Eves own greed for power and knowledge that caused her to actually eat this fruit.
If you ever notice most people that con you start by asking you questions. When they find a problem you have then they offer a fix to it. How many people have gotten damage done to there home during a tornado or hail storm of something only for someone to come to them offering to fix there house cheaper than anyone else - only to run away with there money? To me these people have serpent personalities.
Why do you think Adam ate from the tree of knowledge if he knew it was wrong?
What was there punishment for breaking their one and only rule?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
In the beginning - God created the Heavens & the Earth.
The Bible is the revealed truth. Where did this revealed truth come from? Well God of course :) Some people say that men wrote the Bible and it had nothing to do with God, but it was Gods relationship with man that got this revealed truth into the written word.
First of all Moses wrote Genesis. Genesis is one of the most important books of the Bible. It gives a inside view of how God wants to have a relationship with man. He still wants to have this very same relationship with us today if we would just let him.
God made the Garden of Eden as a perfect place on earth for man to dwell. Eden had everything man needed. All man had to to was stay from the Tree of Knowledge. Do not eat from this tree or you will surely die.
Lets look at what happened. The serpent came and tempted Eve and Eve ate from the tree. She then went to Adam and told him what she had done. Adam then ate from the tree himself.
Do you think Eve knew about the law that God had given them? (Not to eat from the tree of knowledge)
Why do you think Adam ate from the tree of knowledge if he knew it was wrong?
Tomorrow we will look into the answers to these questions.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Be Saved By The Blood Of Jesus to go to Heaven
Everyone may not agree with me on this topic, but it is my firm belief and personal conviction that this is the only way enter into the gates of Heaven. This is something I believe - Every person is born with this truth in there hearts and at some point in there lives they are faced with a decision.
If you are reading this right now - Then you are being presented with a decision. This decision will be the biggest decision you can ever make as well as the easiest. I say this because Jesus made going to heaven an easy decision. People make it a hard one.
For some reason some people think they have to work there way into heaven. Some people think you have to do miraculous things to be able to go to heaven. The simple truth is you have to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. This means you have to know you are a sinner (lets not get this mixed up with being a bad person) just because you are a good person doesn't mean you are not a sinner. Every person believe it or not is a sinner and we have to realize this. You have to be willing to turn away from your sins and turn to Christ.
This means to accept Christ as your heavenly father and having a relationship with him much like you would have with with your own Father or like you would want your children to have with you. This is done by prayer. You can have a everyday relationship with Christ because he is always there for you. You can pray any time and he will lead you in your life in the right direction.
Life is not perfect even if you are saved, but having Jesus in your life will make your life burden lite. In the next days to come I will go into more details on this and back it up with the Bible. Don't put your life in mans hands - Put your life in the hands of the Heavenly fathers Hands.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Jesus - What do I need to do for Jesus?
I apologize for being away for a while. Things have been very busy lately. Ive been learning a lot lately. Sometimes the things that Jesus wants us to do for him is right under our noses. Man how hard can we make something so simple. I prayed that Jesus would open doors so I could start doing for him. After all Jesus has done for me all my life. If you question this in your own life - Just think back at all the things that happened to you & how so many things have worked out even though it could have gone the wrong way. Look at having children. How is it possible to have a child without GOD being involved. Look around you at the living world around you. How can all this be ?? Some say there was a big bang and then everything just started evolving. Well this just doesn't hold water. If you look at science - just look it up on Google and see all the studies that support that the world is only 5000 - 6000 old. If it were 10 million years old there would be so many people we couldn't walk. Anyway thats a story for another day. Back to doing for Jesus. Some people see doing for Jesus has to be done in the church. Well I say if you have children - start there. Talk to your children, talk to them about the hard stuff. Talk to them about drinking, drugs and talk to them about sex ! You will be surprised at what you may uncover once you have a trusting relationship with them. I finally found that when I started the talks with my sons and I brought up the hard questions (not them) they started to open up. Man how Jesus put me to work just with my own two sons. They will openly talk to me now. After school everyday we talk about the things other people have said or done and we talk about how it makes them feel. Even as Christians we feel the pressures of life and even desire to do wrong, but Jesus wants us to have strength through him. If we start to stand up and not do all the things the world expects of us them we will in turn show others to have the same strengths through Jesus. If you read this and are not saved - Please follow my post.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
What to do when Temptation knocks on your door
Well I have always fallen to temptation. It seems like every time temptation comes my way I just stumble and fall right into it. It seems like I just can't help myself. Do you ever feel this way? You make a commitment to Christ and you try so hard to do all the right things and then something you have a weakness for comes along and you just can't stop yourself. Well that is my fear because Ive always fallen to the temptations of the world. It gets worse when I get mad or stressed. Seems like things that trigger my anger breaks me down somehow and I start to fall away from Christ and start looking for something that will make me feel better. I guess I just don't think that Jesus is going to make me feel better. Or better yet I just don't give him the chance. Well Im going to give him the chance now - and I encourage anyone who may read these rambling post of mine to try and do the same. Let me know what you think about this good or bad. I can take the criticism.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Prayer Time - When is it best to pray?
This morning when I woke up I prayed in the bed before I got up. While I was praying I felt as though I wasn't giving Jesus the respect he deserved. The reason I felt this way was because I was laying in the bed, not on my knees really giving myself and time to him. Some people would say that Im too hard on myself and that this is just being to picky about something this trivial. Well I have to say that to me we are not trivial to Jesus. We live in a world that basically hated Jesus. People think that money and position as well as power is everything. Well the bible says that the meek will inherit the kingdom of God. I feel like this. Jesus was born among men and he got beaten and mocked and spit on and hurt in so many ways. At any time he could have stopped it and saved himself, but he suffered and died anyway. He even done this in a way that basically cut the chosen people out of the picture and put the gentiles in the picture in a big way. If it weren't for this act then we the gentiles wouldn't have come to know Jesus in the way that we did. I try to pray first thing in the morning and anytime I can during the day. Really I think we should be of one accord with Jesus which would mean that we should be in a sort of prayer all the time. What do you think ?
What does Jesus expect from us ?
Well after figuring out that my past failures in my walk with Jesus is causing me to feel so agitated. I already know Im setting myself up for failure once again. Well im 38 years old and its time I took my relationship with Jesus serious. Here is my problem - I really don't know where to go now. I want to be that guy that is bold for Jesus. I want to be that guy that isn't afraid to voice my support for Jesus. Where do I start. I know some people that are just super cool guys that love Jesus and they don't come across too strong and annoying. I also know guys that are completely aggravating and pushy when it comes to talking about Jesus. I don't want to be like this. Am I the only Christian that finds some other Christians too pushy and foward ?
Failing Jesus Feeling the pressure
Well yesterday I noticed that I have been in a pretty agitated mood lately. Especially since I have made the decision to give myself to Jesus. My wife Stefanie and I were washing the car yesterday and I decided to talk to her about it. She confirmed that I had indeed been acting agitated lately. This really bothers me because you aren't supposed to feel this way when you dedicate your life to Jesus. Well after talking about it, we together found that because I have done this before (dedicating my life to Jesus) and every time I have failed in one way or another and just end up back in the same place. Have you ever felt this way ??
Jesus helps me along the way
Well The last cpl days has been pretty good. Ive spent more time in prayer and Im trying to follow a regimen reading the bible. I found a tract from a local Christian radio station at church Wednesday night and it had a simple bible reading outline. We are helping some teaching the youth and I am so amazed at some of the kids in our class. God is at work and I think big things are going to happen here. Ive been active in church before and I usually get my heart involved and this is where I mess up because people always let you down and disappoint you. So Im going into this involvement carefully this time. We just have to remember that Jesus is the only one we can usually trust.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Living Luke Warm for Jesus
Just last night Jesus asked me if I would do something for him !!
Well this is something new for me. If you are reading this you may just laugh at this or you may know exactly what Im talking about.
- Ill start by telling you a little about myself.
- Im 38 years old
- I live in South Carolina
- Ive been in church all my life.
- Ive always been a little different than most others because Ive tried to steer clear of being a follower. Ill get into this a little more later.
- Im married and have two children.
- We as a family have always seemed just a little on the outside of being comfortable. Don't get me wrong we have always had enough and then some - Its just not knowing what tomorrow holds is scary.
- Ive had a great job for the past 13 years
- In 1999 I felt in my heart that Jesus was calling me to do something for him.
- I told my family that I felt I wouldn't have this job forever. That I felt Jesus had something else for me, but I had no Idea what it was.
- So for the past 10 years Ive worked and waited for that time to come.
This past August I decided to try and start a internet business, A company named Apply Knowledge Institute contacted me and offered me a hands on, coach led program to build a lucrative internet sales business. I felt as though this was something I should do. I always try and listen to my heart so I dived in. Ill keep posting how things are going as we all know time will tell.
Anyway back to my story. In Sept 2009 they closed the plant I was working in. So I started questioning if I should have invested in this business or not, well I decided that Jesus wouldn't let me do this if it wasn't meant to be. So Ive kept plugging along. All along the way things have just sort of worked out. Here is the problem - for the past 3 months when I should have really been in prayer and trying to get a better relationship with Jesus Ive just been floating along kind of half way praying, half way reading the bible & only half way going to church and one quarter way getting involved. This has been a problem all along the way. Because Ive been Luke Warm for JESUS.
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